Tracing the steps of Aphrodite

As part of my thesis I decided to visit the legendary birth place of Aphrodite, some of the ancient sanctuaries dedicated to her worship including the most famous one in Paphos, and the Baths of Aphrodite in Akamas.

Furthermore, I visited the Copper mine at Skouriotissa which is the proposed site of the Design project as well as perhaps the oldest copper mine in the world which is therefore connected to the Goddess of Cyprus as she was known as the ‘Patron of Copper’.

Finally I visited the Archeological museum of Cyprus that holds most of the statues dedicated to Kypris. The statues of her cult clearly tell of the many influences that her worship had through the centuries.

The ‘trips’, ‘journeys’ or ‘walks’ to each of the destinations were carried out in a similar way that Richard Long and Robert Smithson carried out their work.




Trip 01:
Home > Amathus Sanctuary = 6 mins drive


Trip 02:
Home > Aphrodite Birth Place = 38 mins drive
Aphrodite Birth Place > Palaipaphos Sanctuary = 9 mins drive
Palaipaphos Sanctuary > Akamas Aphrodite Baths = 1hr 5mins drive

Trip 03:
Home > Skouriotissa Mine = 1hr 13mins mins drive


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